Maurice Baker

Author and Songwriter


The subtitle of my recently published autobiography* is An Open Book, alluding to my attempt to be honest, warts and all. Over the past few years I’ve written more than a dozen books – mostly novels and short stories for all ages, plus several song collections with audio CDs, but these have mostly been fiction. Of course, there is seldom such a thing as pure fiction and many of my stories come from personal experience or people I’ve known (well disguised). My first adult novel, for example – The Singer-Songwriter’s Last Stand – was loosely based on adventures during the sixties touring folk clubs and pubs mainly around London. That book was intended as the first in a trilogy, ending with the lead character (really me of course) eventually finding true love and enlightenment after years of guitar-twanging struggle. It made no mention of my spiritual experiences because that wasn’t the market I was aiming at and, in any case, would have opened up all sorts of issues I wasn’t ready to go public on then.

            But real life got in the way as I moved homes and jobs, etc, new writing challenges came along and the Songwriter sequels got put on the backburner. Though the idea for a more honest book about my life and in particular the amazing and interesting people involved. I have also been through some traumatic changes myself, so maybe I’m as qualified as anyone else to recount these experiences.

            Oh, and by the way, in case anyone wonders about the book’s title, it refers to a startling occurrence back in 1969. Some people long for spiritual experiences – as evidence of God maybe – but my late-night encounter with a huge warrior-like angel was far from reassuring. In fact, along with various other late-night happenings, did nothing to comfort me. Were they figments of my imagination? Make up your own mind, if and when you read my book. Most importantly, I hope readers enjoy the ride. All comments welcome.

*ANGEL ON MY SOFA, available on Amazon, £6.99 paperback, or £1.99 e-book.