Maurice Baker

Author and Songwriter

Who's Who Quiz

All the characters shown below appear somewhere on the Broken Biscuits CD (But not necessarily in person). Can you guess who's who? Clues below, or click the picture to find out.

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  1. British actress, born 1934, star of stage, TV and movies.
  2. American blues guitarist and singer known as King of the Slide Guitar. Big influence on early Stones. 1918 – 1963.
  3. English/American political activist, philosopher, author and revolutionary. 1737 – 1809.
  4. American novelist and poet, pioneer of the ‘beat generation’ Most notable book was ‘On The Road’. Died at 47 from internal bleeding due to long-term alcohol abuse. 1922-1969.
  5. French military and political leader – Emperor of the French 1804 – 1814. After many victories he was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 – then confined on Saint Helena by the British where he died of stomach cancer but some say he was a victim of arsenic poisoning. 1769 - 1821.
  6. English musician and singer-songwriter – lead vocalist and founder member of The Rolling Stones. 1943 – present.
  7. The creator and ruler of the universe (as depicted by Michelangelo).
  8. American actor most famous for directing and starring in ‘Easy Rider’. Appeared in many other films and also had a prolific and acclaimed photography career. 1936 – 2010.
  9. English musician, singer and songwriter and founder member of The Rolling Stones. 1943 - present.
  10. Founder of the Mongol Empire which became the largest in contiguous empire history after his demise. Both he and his heirs had a reputation for wholesale massacres of civilian populations. 1162-1227 AD.
  11. American actor, primarily movies and television, son of Kirk. Famed for many roles including Gordon Gekko in Wall Street. 1944 - present.
  12. One of the main characters in the novel ‘The Wind In The Willows’ by Kenneth Graham. Also ‘Toad of Toad Hall’ by A.A.Milne.
  13. Punic Carthaginian military commander. Most famed for marching an army, including war elephants, over the Alps into Italy. Following many victories he was finally defeated and, betrayed to the Romans, he committed suicide by poison. 247-181 BC.
  14. English naturalist and geologist – developed influential evolutionary theory. 1809 – 1882.
  15. English fiddle player who plays with Northumbrian Fayre and contributed to Broken Biscuits.
  16. American guitarist considered the father of modern Chicago blues. 1913-1983.
  17. Seized power of Libya in 1969, becoming dictator. Deposed and assassinated in the Libyan civil war. 1942 – 2011.
  18. English musician – melodeon, keyboards, etc, - played on Broken Biscuits.
  19. American R&B vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. Known for technical innovations including his trademark rectangular guitar. 1928 – 2008.
  20. English singer-songwriter.
  21. Created one of the largest empires of the ancient world from Greece to Egypt and into present day Pakistan. King of Macedon – succeeding the throne at twenty – after constant military campaigns Founder of twenty cities bearing his name. 356-323 BC.
  22. American death row inmate, convicted for murder. The 500th person to be executed in the State of Texas, 2013. Born in 1961.
  23. Canadian sprinter who won Olympic bronze and gold medals which were later rescinded following disqualification for drug use. Born 1961.
  24. American actor with anti-hero persona – highly paid and very successful. 1930 -1980.
  25. English musician – melodeon, washboard and harmonica – played on Broken Biscuits.
  26. American actress, model and recording artist. Very successful despite problems with drink, drugs and various misdemeanours. Born 1986.
  27. English broadcaster and journalist specialising in motoring. 1960 – present.
  28. Created one of the largest empires of the ancient world from Greece to Egypt and into present day Pakistan. King of Macedon – succeeding the throne at twenty – after constant military campaigns Founder of twenty cities bearing his name. 356-323 BC.
  29. American actor – son of Henry Fonda and brother of Jane Fonda. 1940 - present.
  30. Singer/songwriter acoustic music duo, producers and recording engineers for Broken Biscuits, and designers of this website.
  31. The first man and woman, according to the creation myth of Abrahamic religions (as depicted by Henrik Goltzius in 1616).
  32. English multi-instrumentalist founder of the Rolling Stones. Born in 1942 and drowned in 1969.
  33. American musician and singer-songwriter - worked mainly with the E Street Band. 1949 - present.
  34. American guitarist, singer-songwriter, pioneer of rock and roll. Spent time in jail. 1926 – present.
  35. Unknown man begging in Kaikoura, New Zealand in 2010.