Maurice Baker

Author and Songwriter

Buffy Sainte-Marie

Buffy Sainte-Marie &

‘Now That The Buffalos Gone’ by Buffy Sainte Marie – released on the 1964 album ‘It’s My Way’
The song, as I read it, is a cry for justice, not only from governments but also others who stole land from the indigenous population. As Buffy says recently on her website, ‘This song was on my first album and I'd have thought it would be obsolete by now. But governments are still breaking promises and stealing indigenous lands, and I still believe that informed people can help make things better.’ The final verse sums it up:

oh it's all in the past you can say
but it's still going on here today
the government now want the Iroquois land
that of the Senaca and the Cheyenne
it's here and it's now you can help us dear man
now that the buffalo's gone.