Maurice Baker

Author and Songwriter

Changing Faces (charity)

Changing Faces is a UK registered charity (No. 1011222) that supports and represents people who have disfigurements of the face or body from any cause. According to their website their work involves, ‘Providing personal support for children, young people, adults and families. Working with schools, employers, health and social care professionals to ensure a culture of inclusion for people with disfigurements.’ And, ‘Campaigning for social change by working with the media, government and opinion leaders.’

We live in a culture where disfigurement is often seen as a medical “problem” that could/should be fixed by surgery or medical intervention. However, surgery alone cannot always remove a disfigurement and can sometimes lead to further complications. Changing Faces helps people to face the challenges of living with a disfigurement and equips them with the appropriate tools to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

The psychological effects of disfigurement whether acquired from birth, an accident, disease or the aftermath of surgery can last a lifetime if not dealt with early on.

Our work involves:

  1. Providing support for children, young people, adults and their families through our counselling services to help with the psychological and social aspects of disfigurement.
  2. Working with schools & employers to ensure a culture of inclusion, and with health and social care professionals to provide better psychological care for people with disfigurements.
  3. Campaigning for better policies and practices that are inclusive of people with disfigurements and for social change by working with the media, government and opinion leaders.